Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Totally nuts

........ is my life at the moment.
I have no time for anything.
I don't know my arse from my elbow.
Christmas orders have gone CERAZY, I don't know if I can keep up.
Mr C&B leaves for a 2 week trip to Afghanistan on Sunday (gulp).
I have no time for my blog (sob) and I so desperately wanted to tell you how incredibly shit (with a capital S) the Designer Baby Show was.
I will return once I get on top of this heap of orders.
Missing you already ♥

Sunday, 8 November 2009


....... is not just my favourite colour!
This months Red magazine is pretty hard to beat.
Not only is there a great Chambers & Beau product placement (buy yours here) in the Christmas gift guide, the lovely Jools Oliver is the cover girl. Looking amazing just weeks after baby number 3 and sounding her usual down to earth self in the interview. I have a slightly heightened interest in her as I am currently making up a necklace for her. She chose the Billy Classic with an extra sequin with the names of her girls, Poppy, Daisyboo and Petal (sooo cute)stamped on it.
I am hoping that she will totally love it and share the C&B name with all her fellow yummy mummy friends and celebrity chums.
Red's icing on the cake is an interview with Stephen Swoon Moyer of True Blood. Am I too old to stick this picture on my studio wall?

I have also been featured in the Nov/Dec issue of You and Your Wedding. A hot 50 perfect gift list feature and the Molly Classic necklace comes in at number 5 - Woohoo!

I am hoping that these little bits of press editorial are going to kick start my Christmas rush. It is slowly starting to build up mostly due to my presence in the Not On The High Street catalogue. Slightly bored with making shirt collar stiffeners already, if only they had featured one of the necklaces (sigh).

The cufflinks have been a big hit in their first week with the editors of both GQ (very cool chap apparently) and Square Mile magazine requesting pairs with their own personalisation.

Finally, I will be exhibiting for the first time next Sunday at The Designer Baby Show. I am currently totally unprepared but will hopefully pull it all together just in time. Come along if you can for 10% discount off everything in the range and to enter a FREE prize draw. I just need to work out what the prize should be - any suggestions?

So, that's all folks. Wish me luck and hope to see you there x

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Mr C&B grew up in the States. He was slightly disappointed by the trick or treating. It is fair to say that Ashburton didn't really embrace Halloween. But, the little poppets dressed up (any opportunity) and we knocked on a few doors.
Sam held out a fake poo and said 'trick or treat' in the smallest scared voice possible. He told everyone he was Draclia and they came home with a little stash of goodies.
I took our pumpkin out the window when our treat supplies were getting low, snuggled up on the sofa and finished them off myself.
A thoroughly enjoyable affair!
Could only have been better if Bill (of True Blood) could have joined me - SWOON♥
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